Closing Due to Weather

All Library locations will be closed Wednesday, February 12th due to weather.

Staff Day - Library Hours

All Library locations are closed Friday, February 21, for a staff development day. 


Craft and Hobby

Craft and Hobby Logo

Craft and Hobby features thousands of classes from many creative categories, taught by world-renowned experts, who walk you through each technique clearly with step-by-step demonstrations, providing expert tips and tricks along the way.



Presented by Jo-Ann Stores, Creativebug, offers educational and professional tools that focus on arts and crafts presented by recognized experts. Browse and get inspired by thousands of classes on sewing, illustration, painting, crafting, holiday décor, and much more!

Note: Creativebug requires a free user profile that will appear in class user lists and will be used to participate in discussion forums. When posting messages, your profile and comments are visible to the general public.