Staff Day - Library Hours

All Library locations are closed Friday, February 21, for a staff development day. 

Who Uses Palatine Library?

In today’s digital world, many may wonder if libraries are relevant anymore. With over 500,000 visits, 1300 programs, and 1.3 million items checked-out per year, we know that residents and visitors have a strong and vibrant experience at Palatine Library. Libraries provide a friendly, welcoming place close to home where they can interact, study, work, and just have a safe place to gather and connect.

99.9% of survey respondents from our Community Survey agree that the Library is essential to the community!

Local Author – Todd Caponi

“I’m using the Palatine Library’s free green screen studios to record a bunch of that content, and that’s been fantastic. They have everything!”

Consulting company owner, author, and speaker Todd Caponi is a Palatine resident who recently launched a new book. He credits Palatine library for Providing a wide selection of articles and materials for much of the research for his book. Now that his book is published, Todd has been using our green screen rooms to promote the book and to create online digital training assets.

Library Super-User – Cindy Dingwall

“You have everything here. It’s a wonderful resource for our community and we are so blessed to have you here.”

Cindy has been a resident of Palatine for 39 years. She often comes to the Library to pick-up her holds, enjoys the craft programs, and has benefited from our Genealogy programs. Cindy was inspired to learn more about her family history and through our resources, she found out that she shares the same birth-date as her great-grandfather.

Busy Parent – Cynthia Castelán

“Palatine Library staff is always so friendly. Most of the librarians know my children by name. We feel part of the community. Here I really feel like I belong.”

Cynthia, a Palatine resident since 2010, uses Palatine Library on a daily basis. At the Library, her children have access to a variety of materials that encourage reading, and programs that are entertaining and educational. Cynthia enjoys taking various personal enrichment programs like cooking, web coding, and fitness, while her husband engages in leadership workshops to reach his professional goals.

Local Teacher – Melissa Hoeft


"Any request I've ever had here at Palatine Library, the staff has always gone above and beyond.”

Melissa uses Palatine Library for both her family and career as a teacher in the local school district. Library staff coordinates with Melissa to have book talks, STEAM activities, and other tailored materials for her classroom. She enjoys the Library as a great place in the community because of the accessible collection, educational programs, and as a meeting place.

Community Leader – Allen Swilley

“The Palatine Library is really a staple in the community, and it needs to be preserved in a way that would continue to sustain the needs of the community itself.”

Allen Swilley, Project Director of United Palatine Coalition, a network of organizations and residents focused on equity, appreciates how the Library engages with other community leaders to advocate and problem-solve for its residents. He has seen the Library push the envelope to provide access and resources for the underserved and homeless population in our community.

Teen Volunteers – Teen Advisory Board Members

“It’s always been a safe space for me to come hang out and study, especially during Finals Week.”

Young adults make a difference at Palatine Library by volunteering on the Teen Advisory Board, assisting at programs, and participating in summer teams. They enjoy working with staff serving our diverse community and learn skills like leadership, civic engagement, and teaching. TAB members use the study rooms through the school year to work collaboratively and appreciate the Finals Week Library support like destress kits and comfort dogs.

By the Numbers

By the Numbers – Fiscal Year 2017-2018

  • 3624 items checked-out per day
  • 72% of residents have a library card
  • 65,434 computer sessions last year
  • 500,033 total visits last year
  • 1370 visits per day
  • 8410 room bookings last year
  • 1370 free programs
  • 52,777 program attendees last year